In case you missed the big news last week, the self described terrorist organization turned political party, Hamas, won the majority of seats in the democratic election held last week in Palestine, Israel's next door neighbor. Sure, we all know that they have been fighting on and off for decades, with the tilt of military prowress and international support edging towards Israel; however, this is the first time the true feelings of the Palestinians have been measured at the election box. This is hugely negative news for the peace process that had been considered well on it's way--particularly after the death of Yassir Arafat and with the withdrawal of Isreal from the West Bank. Look, it's difficult for me to understand everything that goes on over there, and to filter out what the U. S. press and the U. S. administration wants us to believe. Here is an article worth reading. Hamas sweeps to victory in Palestine
George Bush cannot simply cut off aid to Palestine after a democratically elected Hamas assumes leadership, or can he? Seems to me that once the people vote, we have to respect their wishes, even if it's against our doctrine. Let's just say that we are in a pickle that's for sure, because we have been pushing for elections in Palestine, and everyone thought that Fatah was going to win over Hamas. Didn't happen. Now, we have to support Israel (for Biblical reasons I guess, and because of the huge Jewish population over here in the U. S.) and we have to distance ourselves from whom the people elected in Palestine. I might not have all the angles in this post exactly correct, because it's pretty complex stuff over there in Mideast politics. Take this one thought with you--Hamas is primarily Islamic. Islam is growing in political strenghth worldwide--just look at Iran. These are seeds that will come back to haunt us one day, perhaps one day soon. I would not be surprised if Osama Bin Laden could be elected prime minister of Saudi Arabia, if he were allowed to run. Seriously. I get the feeling our foreign policy is so botched, and has been botched for years, that something radical is going to happen if we don't take the cover off. We are perceived (the U. S. ) in a very negative light world-wide (particularly in the Middle East)---and this has taken decades to ferment---it's not just a George Bush thing.
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