I've assembled several quotes from articles in recent days about the escalation of radical islam in the Middle East and in Europe. As I have opined in recent days, the emergence of Hamas in Palestine, the election of the radical islamist in Iran, plus the situation in Syria and other middle East countries, combined with the incredible outpouring of contemptable behavior over the caricatures of Mohammed in the Danish newspapers----have left people over here wondering about a situation far more serious than our administration realizes...Remember when the Bush administration said that we would be "welcomed with open arms" in Baghdad? More and more, we are witnessing a clash of cultures, a clash of religions too. Plus, we are seen as favoring Israel despite the facts of democratic elections in Palestine, and we are knocking on the door for another war in Iran. How can these developments be justified by a general cry of a "War on Terrorism?" Read on...
From Gene Inger
This is more, as we see it; a clash between modernity in Islam and fundamentalism; as contrasted to a 'clash of cultures' between East and West. It may become that if all the fanatics like the Ayatollahs, and their quislings in Syria and even Iraq have their way. It's already almost impossible to stand-up for what is right, decent or tolerant in so many Islamic countries (by civilized standards); so governments kowtow basically to the mob, and you hear things like Pakistan refusing to allow doctors or hospitals to buy pharmaceuticals from any country where the cartoons were reprinted. Nonsense. They hurt themselves, and deprive their people; largely not the big drug companies.
We'll not have much more to say on this for now; other than the overtones of a world war emerging are there; that's what the Islamic extremists actually want, we're fairly convinced. It's going to be tough, but only the Islamic world can defuse this situation. The rhetoric from the Islamists won't allow the rest of the world to calm the issue very much; because they don't want it calmed, no matter what they may say to the media. They are agitators.
From Tom Porteous
Worse, Bush's State of the Union address marked a clear broadening of the war on terror. No longer does the U.S. government limit itself to speaking of a narrow war against terrorists, or a struggle against an "evil ideology" of Islamic extremism.
According to Bush, the West's opponent in a new global conflict that has replaced the Cold War is now "radical Islam"—the very political ideology to which increasingly large numbers of Muslims are committed, if the successes of radical Islamists in recent democratic elections in Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon and Iran are any evidence.
As the furor over the cartoons shows, the further we go down this road, the more the "war on terror" will infect cultural outlooks and popular attitudes both in the West and in the Muslim world, poisoning relations between them. We must not allow a military and intelligence battle between a coalition of governments and a bunch of extremists and desperados to develop into a real conflict between cultures and peoples.
From Rhami Khouri
I nearly fell out of my car window Monday morning while traveling around several of the fine universities in North Carolina, when I read U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's statement on the Hamas election victory in Palestine. She stated: "I've asked why nobody saw it coming. It does say something about us not having a good enough pulse."
Good grief, Condoleezza, this is not about having or not having a good enough pulse. It's about the consequences of the last decade of Israeli and American policies toward the Palestinians in general, and the Islamist resistance movements in particular. This is not a time to persist in simplistic, counterproductive policies that will only further strengthen the forces of military resistance against the Israeli occupation, and wider Arab-Islamic political resistance against America 's blatantly pro-Israeli position.
To add a new dose of American perplexity and wonderment now to several existing layers of mistaken policies on Arab-Israeli peacemaking will be of no help to anyone. If Washington 's initial reaction is bewilderment at why it did not see this coming, and a reaffirmation of its policy of placing Israeli security above Palestinian security, then we are all in far more serious trouble than we can imagine. What is required now is a combination of honesty, independent analysis and composure that have long been missing in Washington's policies on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Thanks to my brotherly sources for sending me these articles from which to quote-
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