Frist at odds with Bush over ports deal
Um, that would be Bill Frist. Get an issue that the general public knows nothing about, throw in a little terrorist scare, and voila, you've got a perfect opportunity for a politician to capitalize with headlines like this one in today's Tennessean.
Let me tell you, this port thing is the biggest political hooey that makes Washington---Washington, and that provides so much fodder for radio talk shows.
Our ports have been run by "foreign" companies for decades. The United Arab Emirates is not Saudi Arabia or Iran, or Iraq. These people know what they are doing, and besides it's a private company, not the government of UAE.
But, that's hard to explain, and Frist is looking to score some political points after all of his negative publicity lately.
You've read it here First---Frist will go nowhere in Presidential politics--UNLESS, as has been rumored---Cheney resigns, and Frist is named VIce President some time next year. The odds of that happening are 30/70 right now.
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