Best advice for Pacman is to grow up By David Climer in the Tennessean
Thanks to Rex Hammock of RexBlog fame for pointing to this article in his own blog, and for making the point that the best writing in the Tennessean happens to reside in the Sports section.
I could not agree more. The Sports section of the Tennessean is also well rounded, very well delegated with different beat writers to handle multiple sports, and although I may not agree with the aggressively negative nature of David Climer or the mindless chatter of Joe Biddle, the Sports section generally rocks. Plenty of coverage on professional, collegiate, and high school sports for the market place. Not too much Nascar, but just enough. And don't forget about fishin' and huntin'. The Sports sections is just a good read.
Editorially speaking, all we have is David Climer and occasionally Joe Biddle. Climer does hit a home run with this column on PacMan. This guy (PacMan) is just not ready for Prime Time.