Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jim Cooper Responds (of course this is not a personal letter, it's from a staffer who wrote the note and then Cooper okayed a stack of stuff)

Dear Mr. Oldham:

My vote is not an endorsement of all the provisions of the bill because I find much of the bill to be deeply flawed. Passing legislation is a little like writing a term paper in school. The first draft is usually not very good. The second draft is better - H.R. 3962 is the second draft. The bill that the Senate will vote on will be the third draft, which I expect to show major improvement. The final draft will be written afterward, if we get to that point, when the House and the Senate will vote on the same bill.

I will continue to work hard to make sure that the final legislation helps all of our families get quality, affordable health care.


Jim Cooper
Member of Congress