Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sounds like someone is running for President

Frist at odds with Bush over ports deal

Um, that would be Bill Frist. Get an issue that the general public knows nothing about, throw in a little terrorist scare, and voila, you've got a perfect opportunity for a politician to capitalize with headlines like this one in today's Tennessean.

Let me tell you, this port thing is the biggest political hooey that makes Washington---Washington, and that provides so much fodder for radio talk shows.

Our ports have been run by "foreign" companies for decades. The United Arab Emirates is not Saudi Arabia or Iran, or Iraq. These people know what they are doing, and besides it's a private company, not the government of UAE.

But, that's hard to explain, and Frist is looking to score some political points after all of his negative publicity lately.

You've read it here First---Frist will go nowhere in Presidential politics--UNLESS, as has been rumored---Cheney resigns, and Frist is named VIce President some time next year. The odds of that happening are 30/70 right now.

Based Upon the ELVIS standard, this will last another 10 years

Convictions for Diana paparazzi

The "Elvis standard" is the length of time it takes the conspiracy theorists and the population at large to give it up, and to realize that their human icon is a mere mortal, and that, he or she has in fact, gone on to the Afterlife, hopefully Heaven. So, based upon the fact that Elvis died in 1978, and based upon the fact that it took about 20 years, or until 1998 for the Elvis sightings, and the "Elvis is still alive" propoganda to subside, we will continue to hear about Princess Diana stuff for another 10 years or so . There will be lawsuits, and the British press will hunt down every possible scenario of that night in Paris as well until about 2017. Again, based upon the Elvis standard---since Diana died in 1997---we've got a total of 20 years for similar articles to appear out and about. No one loved Princess Diana more than I (figuratively speaking). She is truly a Lady for the Ages. This article above is from the BBC. It seems now that they are still chasing after blame for photos taken the night of her untimely death. Rest in Peace Diana, we miss you.

First Mac OS X Virus?

First Mac OS X Virus?

One of the things we Mac fans love is the lack of virus makers out there. I'm not sure if that should be a verb or a noun--virus, or virus makers. Usually, people who love and buy Macs aren't part of the general population, ergo, we don't create computer diseases. It takes some lousy S-O-B to make a virus, so they don't just appear out of nowhere. Probably some IPOD dude out there that just discovered Macs in his teens or 20's who made this one... Anyway, I've always thought that it was the superior coding that the Mac OS guys had over the hole infested Windows OS. I may be wrong. In any event, this post above points to a virus with OSX out there somewhere. Stay protected!