Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sunny Wednesday Morning

Great to wake up to sunshine and cool temps. I'm going to start reviewing and posting news of interest and commenting on those articles that catch my attention. News, Sports, Politics. Also, I'll give you a run down of my training for the Country Music Half Marathon this April 30th. This will be my 3rd year to run the 13.1 mile course. I have been thinking about the full marathon but I can't quite get there. It's really a great feeling on the course at Mile 10 when the marathoners divert to their remaining 16 mile course, and the half marathoners are almost home, just 3 miles to go. I couldn't imagine facing another 16 miles at that point! So, I'm sticking to the half again this year. Maybe when I'm 50, I'll do the full---yeah, right!

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