Thursday, February 16, 2006

Say it Ain't So--Will Apple Adopt Windoze?

Here is an article that local Mac guru Michael Petruna sent my way that speculates in a very well laid out fashion that Steve Jobs and Co is laying the groundwork to get out of the OS business. Could it be possible that our beloved Mac CEO is only interested in building cool machines and cool music players, and really wants to get out of the operating system (os) business that put mac on the map? Goodness Almighty, let's hope not. That's what makes us love the Mac. They're so easy to use and THERE ARE NO VIRUSES that we can catch. Mike says not to worry, but the article points out some very interesting facts, such as their inability to see a spike in sales of hardware since the IPOD phenomena (and what a phenomenon it is) , and the fact that the total market penetration of the MAC os is still only 5%. Would Jobs take on Michael Dell?

Quote from the article:
Apple has always said it was a hardware company, not a software company. Now with the cash cow iPod line, it can afford to drop expensive OS development and just make jazzy, high-margin Windows computers to finally get beyond that five-percent market share and compete directly with Dell, HP, and the stodgy Chinese makers.

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